The Food Blogger Pro Podcast is a great educational resource for food bloggers. 

With more than 300 podcast episodes in its library, it’s easy to breeze by some of its biggest gems.

The purpose of this post is to highlight what the Foodie Digital team thinks are 5 of the most helpful Food Blogger Pro podcast episodes to listen to.

Our picks are good listening for both new and seasoned food bloggers.

The subject matter covered in these 5 podcast episodes align really well with Foodie Digital’s approach to food blog SEO and recipe SEO. Each episode covers important SEO concepts that we talk to our community members about often, including:

  • Understanding Google algorithm updates
  • Updating existing content
  • Keyword research
  • E-E-A-T = experience, expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness
  • Over optimizing blog posts

The 5 episodes are:

  1. Episode 193: Nora Schlesinger of A Clean Bake
  2. Episode 243: Ewen Finser of Venture 4th Media
  3. Episode 265: Beth Moncel of Budget Bytes
  4. Episode 269: Sally McKenney of Sally’s Baking Addiction
  5. Episode 278: Carrie Forrest of Clean Eating Kitchen

1. Episode 193: Nora Schlesinger of A Clean Bake

Recorded in the spring of 2019, this episode with Nora Schlesinger of A Clean Bake emphasizes the importance of updating existing content and honing in on priorities, two things our members can attest we spend a lot of time on at Foodie Digital.

The beautiful thing about recipes is that they never expire. A recipe published in 2010 is still as delicious today, it likely just needs a refresh. And this is what Nora explains so well.

2. Episode 243: Ewen Finser of Venture 4th Media

Recorded in Feb 2020, this episode with Ewen Finser is loaded with smart, helpful tips related to keyword research. At times this episode can get a bit technical, but Ewen’s way of continually optimizing and refining his product—which is content—applies really well to recipes.

Ewen’s commitment to understand and satisfy search intent also resonates with the Foodie Digital team. We talk to our members a lot about the power of satisfying search intent, and what search intent looks like for recipe posts specifically.

3. Episode 265: Beth Moncel of Budget Bytes

Fortifying recipe posts with E-E-A-T is more important today than ever before.

The thing is, E-E-A-T—which is an acronym for experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness—is very nuanced and has no obvious measurement metric.

In this podcast episode recorded in August 2020, Beth from Budget Bytes candidly shares the decline in traffic experienced by the site, and touches on the possible role of E-E-A-T in the decline.

4. Episode 269: Sally McKenney of Sally’s Baking Addiction

Sally’s Baking Addiction is a giant in the baking niche. In this podcast episode recorded in September 2020, Sally shares insight into the tasks she’s willing to let go of and delegate to a team member, and importantly, the tasks she always does herself.

Sally also talks at length about the loyal online community she has cultivated, and the lengths she goes to to treat her online readers well. 

Returning readers is one of the key success metrics that we track for Foodie Digital members, and it’s clear from this podcast episode that Sally understands the value of a return visitor.

5. Episode 278: Carrie Forrest of Clean Eating Kitchen

Recorded in Nov 2020, this podcast episode with Carrie from Clean Eating Kitchen touches on three SEO scenarios we see often at Foodie Digital: over optimization, content decay and crawl budget.

Carrie openly shares about the decline in traffic her site experienced, likely a result of over optimizing her post headers and more. There are some really good gems in this episode about the importance of writing for readers, not robots.

Note: Foodie Digital participates in affiliate programs for select recipe card plugins and hosting providers. The opinions we share are based on our own in-depth researchand the ongoing need for our members to use SEO tools that are future-proofed, credible, professional and well supported.